Working in retirement because you want to work is totally different than working in retirement because you have to work just to pay the bills. Wouldn't you much rather have the money you've put away for retirement working efficiently and effectively enough to provide not only enough money to live, but to also play? Would you like that money to be guaranteed or not guaranteed? Check out the video below to find out if it might work for you!
Things cost more over time and when you're in retirement on a fixed income those cost increases can be devastating, especially since we are living longer. Today's entry discusses inflation and ways you can overcome it in retirement. It's only a little more than 4 minutes so take a little time and check it out. I'd wager you'll learn something valuable for you and your situation. Go ahead...don't cost nothing! Like it or not, when someone hiccups in China it can send your investments plummeting! If what happens all over the world can impact our retirement, our investments, our money then do you think things are more or less risky than they were 15 or 20 years ago? Go ahead and give today's 4 minute video a look it has some great information we all need to know to help better protect ourselves and our money! Which would you choose? Interesting dilemma isn't it? Check out our video and see where you stand! The market is on a 5 year run...can it keep on going forever? That's what we thought in 2000 and again in 2007...hmm makes you wonder. Take a look at this entry in our Blog/Vlog series, it's only a tad over 3 minutes, but it has some great information for you to consider. If You Could Increase Your Social Security Up to 76% Over What 75% of Retirees Get...Wouldn’t You?6/26/2014 While most of us realize that Social Security will provide a chunk of our retirement, but we don't think it will amount to much. Who could blame you for thinking that? Most of the info about it make us think it is a small amount so most of us don't realize that Social Security can actually be quite substantial...but you have to OPT into that part of Social Security. It isn't difficult, but it does take prior planning. You can't just show up at retirement and expect to be able to get the most out of it. So start the process by watching our video today... So, that money you have in the market…is it predictable and repeatable over the long term?6/19/2014 This might be the most important question you can ask yourself and your adviser about the money you have in the market. Your Adviser, Wall Street, the Government and the Media sure do all they can to convince you it is predictable and repeatable, but is it? Will it be for YOUR definition of Long Term? Was it for those that retired in 2000? How about in 2007? It's TRUTH time regarding retirement and here are 4 of them that are likely to keep you from being able to retire when you want to retire. Please take just 3 1/2 minutes out of your day to see if any of these could wreck your retirement...who knows you might even be able to fix them so they won't! This is a key question everyone should have an answer for. We've been in long term or "cyclical" Bear Markets about 63% of the time since the 1890's. Does your adviser have a plan to grow your assets during these times? Take about 3 1/2 minutes out of your busy schedule and uncover more of why this is important!
Here's a question we all should be concerned with. There's another market crash coming at some point. We just don't know when...therein lies the problem. We don't know "WHEN" in fact NOBODY knows. Did you lose money in the last crash from late 2007 to early 2009? How about from 2000-2002? What are you doing differently TODAY that will give you a better result when it happens again? Today's video discusses this very topic!
AuthorKurt Jackson brings a unique approach to retirement. His 23+ years working with people and their mortgages he's seen just how much traditional financial planning and traditional retirement income planning have hurt us financially. He brings that strong consumer background to his unique strategies for building retirement accounts and more importantly actually taking income out in retirement! Categories
July 2014