Are all your assets really protected?
Over time, as the world has changed, our practice has grown into one where our main focus is making sure our clients protect their wealth from all known and unknown creditors.
Why did this happen, what has changed to make to take us to this move?
It is really quite simple...
When was the last time you Texted while driving?
Have you ever almost had a wreck texting and driving?
Did you know that texting and driving is more dangerous than drinking and driving?
The world has changed in so many ways creating new risks that, quite frankly, aren't being protected against enough for almost everybody in America!
So, with all these changes...
How comfortable are you with losing assets you've worked your entire life building up?
It could be a business, a home, a vacation home, rental real estate, retirement wealth, and so on...let me ask you comfortable are you with losing assets you've worked your entire life building up?
Isn't that a pretty easy answer? Does anybody really want to lose anything?
Since our research has found almost everybody lacks proper Asset Protection Planning...we've been constantly developing systems and strategies to help protect our client's assets thru all the known and unknown creditors they're likely to encounter in their lifetimes.
Most of us fall into the trap of thinking if we have insurance to protect us from Negligence Lawsuits (like a slip and fall or negligent car driving) that enough?
Did you realize there are Four Main Areas of Asset Protection Planning and Three lesser areas?
How many are you really protected from?
It's easy to find out.
A 15 to 30 minute conversation with Kurt would tell us whether or not you're completely protected.
Isn't it time for you to find out if you're fully protected or will you keep unknowingly leave your life's work at risk of loss?
Complete the form below and we'll reach out to you to schedule a 15-30 minute strategic conversation with Kurt...Don't put this off, you never know when one of these many risks will pop up...because, if we knew when they were coming why would we need protection?
Over time, as the world has changed, our practice has grown into one where our main focus is making sure our clients protect their wealth from all known and unknown creditors.
Why did this happen, what has changed to make to take us to this move?
It is really quite simple...
When was the last time you Texted while driving?
Have you ever almost had a wreck texting and driving?
Did you know that texting and driving is more dangerous than drinking and driving?
The world has changed in so many ways creating new risks that, quite frankly, aren't being protected against enough for almost everybody in America!
So, with all these changes...
How comfortable are you with losing assets you've worked your entire life building up?
It could be a business, a home, a vacation home, rental real estate, retirement wealth, and so on...let me ask you comfortable are you with losing assets you've worked your entire life building up?
Isn't that a pretty easy answer? Does anybody really want to lose anything?
Since our research has found almost everybody lacks proper Asset Protection Planning...we've been constantly developing systems and strategies to help protect our client's assets thru all the known and unknown creditors they're likely to encounter in their lifetimes.
Most of us fall into the trap of thinking if we have insurance to protect us from Negligence Lawsuits (like a slip and fall or negligent car driving) that enough?
Did you realize there are Four Main Areas of Asset Protection Planning and Three lesser areas?
How many are you really protected from?
It's easy to find out.
A 15 to 30 minute conversation with Kurt would tell us whether or not you're completely protected.
Isn't it time for you to find out if you're fully protected or will you keep unknowingly leave your life's work at risk of loss?
Complete the form below and we'll reach out to you to schedule a 15-30 minute strategic conversation with Kurt...Don't put this off, you never know when one of these many risks will pop up...because, if we knew when they were coming why would we need protection?