Does Buy Term Life Insurance and
Invest the Rest Really WOrk?
We've long been told when it comes to life insurance we should buy term and invest the difference...have you ever really run the numbers or do you just believe what you're told?
Could your financial pro have an alternative agenda that benefits them more than you?
Would it be worth spending a couple minutes to see if maybe "Buy Term & Invest the Rest" isn't all that it is cracked up to be?
Would it if it meant more financial security for your loved ones and FUTURE loved ones?
Check out the video below!
Could your financial pro have an alternative agenda that benefits them more than you?
Would it be worth spending a couple minutes to see if maybe "Buy Term & Invest the Rest" isn't all that it is cracked up to be?
Would it if it meant more financial security for your loved ones and FUTURE loved ones?
Check out the video below!