In Your 40's...Could The Student Loan Crisis Impact Your Retirement...Even if You Don't Have Kids with College Debt?
You're in your 40's, retirement is closer than you think, is the current Student Loan Crisis on your radar for retirement? Maybe you don't have kids, or you don't have kids with student loan debt so you hadn't even thought about it. Have you had any conversations with financial pros about how this might impact you even if you don't have kids with that debt hanging over their heads?
Why would people you don't even know who are burdened with student loan debt have any impact on YOUR retirement? Well, check out our short video to see more about what we're talking about here. After you view it, if you would like to get more details about where we are coming from please call Kurt on his direct line at 816.582.5532 or email.
Once you watch it, you'll have a much better idea of WHY you need to be worried, maybe even VERY worried. If you are like most folks that see this and you want to have a conversation about how it could impact you and more importantly how you can better insulate yourself from the impact it could have, then would you rather have a conversation about it with someone who is already talking about it with their clients or find out why you haven't addressed it in your current plan?
Anyway, just check it out and let us know when you'd like to talk.
Why would people you don't even know who are burdened with student loan debt have any impact on YOUR retirement? Well, check out our short video to see more about what we're talking about here. After you view it, if you would like to get more details about where we are coming from please call Kurt on his direct line at 816.582.5532 or email.
Once you watch it, you'll have a much better idea of WHY you need to be worried, maybe even VERY worried. If you are like most folks that see this and you want to have a conversation about how it could impact you and more importantly how you can better insulate yourself from the impact it could have, then would you rather have a conversation about it with someone who is already talking about it with their clients or find out why you haven't addressed it in your current plan?
Anyway, just check it out and let us know when you'd like to talk.